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  • Writer's pictureyumyumbakery21

Christmas Eve Morning, Christmas Morning, Day After Christmas Morning....Morning

I tested out a wonderful Christmas Time brunch dish. What brunch isn't complete without cinnamon rolls? So I tested out some "Eggnog Cinnamon Rolls". I made these last year for work and family (I worked Christmas Eve last year) and they were a hit. At least no one lied to me about how much they liked them. I think I made them wrong last year shhh...because this year they tasted much more Eggnogy. These also can be made ahead, so if you are looking for something for family to much on pre Christmas dinner these are perfect!

I was surprised when I went to the grocery store that eggnog was already available. I know I shouldn't have been as "Christmas" items come available earlier and earlier, but anyways I was. I had been planning to make a classic cinnamon roll, just with milk, but since there was eggnog then why not go with it.

I mixed all the ingredients together as the instructions said. But FIRST, I activated the yeast, not forgetting like usual, with the warm eggnog and brown sugar. Then added in the wet and dry ingredients, mixed them all together and let the dough rise. When I came back to it one short hour(ish) later, it had. risen!! Wahoo!!! I succeeded, as we all know well yeast is my enemy this year it seems. I turned the dough out and punched it down, which was so satisfying if I'm being honest. Then rolled it out into a large rectangle, as rectangle as I could get it. I'm still learning with the rolling of the dough stuff; I need to find more dough recipes, that aren't so dessert like :) to practice that technique.

I spread the softened butter with brown sugar and cinnamon over the whole rectangle, just smother that, yum yum. This particular recipe calls for white chocolate chips at this time also. I had those last year in the cinnamon rolls, this year I left them out, delicious either way, but last year it didn't seem like the chips melted much, and I also didn't want the rolls to be SO sweet this time. But this would be where you add them, pressing them lightly into the butter/brown sugar spread. The next part is also pretty fun. Start rolling your dough! Start with the edge closest to you and roll as evenly as possible, trying to keep your roll tight throughout. Once you run out of dough, pinch along your edge to seal.

Then cut your rolls, you should be able to get anywhere from 12-15. I dont remember exactly how wide I cut them, 1.5 inch probably...? I got 13 rolls out of this batch. Carefully place your cut rolls into your prepared 9x13 baking dish and let it rise approximately 20-30 minutes. They will rise again :), after the second rise put those wonderful looking things in the oven. Bake them about 30 minutes or until they are golden brown and filling your house with that wonderful winter/Christmas cinnamon scent.

Meanwhile you'll make your frosting, again it calls for white chocolate chips. I didn't use those this time, but it is good. You mix your powdered sugar, eggnog, and vanilla, (melted white chocolate too if using). Whisk it all together till its smooth, then you'll add it to your warm cinnamon rolls. Again, Yum Yum!! These are delicious, make them the night before and let them rise overnight, just make it through putting the rolls into the pan, or make them all the way through and freeze them, just let them thaw and warm them a bit before serving. I decided that, since it was just Andy and I, to bake and freeze these. We ate 2 and I have the rest in the freezer, waiting for the holidays and company.

Just something simple to get you going around Christmas and all the hustle and bustle.

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