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Farmers Market Fever

Our second farmers market was this weekend! Our first farmers market, last weekend, we sold out of products in roughly an hour and a half. This was shocking to me. Before the farmers market, I was definitely worried I hadn't baked enough goods. While we were setting, up I was worried that I had baked too much, and we weren't going to sell it all, and I would have to take it home, and I would be unable to sell the things I had baked afterwards! It was a whirlwind of secret emotions because on the exterior I had to keep it cool.

This week I felt the same. I doubled the popover amount, I doubled the muffin amount, I baked a loaf of lemon blueberry pound cake to sell per slice, and I made one loaf of beer bread to sell as a whole. All of that only took 4 hours. Which seems like a long time, but in the world of baking, it’s not terrible. Since I enjoy baking, the time flew.

Our customers were all very happy both weekends. Interactions were fun, and we had a lot of people mentioning how they saw our Facebook page and were looking forward to trying our baked goods. That was super encouraging!

This weekend we sold out in an hour and a half again!! All that preparation and extra baked goods of course were worth it is as we had no products left over, but now, I'm not even sure how to prepare going forward. The Hartland Farmers Market is not incredibly large; it’s a decent size, but it seems inconsistent in customers; not in a bad way, just in a, "How do I prepare for this?” type way :). I love being a vendor at a farmers market now! I just need to figure out how much to bake. On to what I baked this weekend. I've already told you about popovers and coffee cake (the muffins I made were just coffee cake in muffin form). What about this lemon blueberry pound cake?? :)

This pound cake is delicious. In all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of blueberries, but every now and then I just absolutely love them in any form. This is a pound cake, so it’s dense. It could be its own meal. But the strong lemon flavor combined with the fresh blueberries makes it a perfect summer dessert or treat with your coffee. The blueberries are dusted with flour so they spread throughout the cake and don’t just sink to the bottom. To guarantee blueberry distribution, I put extra blueberries on top! To finish the pound cake, which is baked in a bread pan, I sprinkled lemon sugar on after the lemon glaze. It was a nice touch. The glaze is simply fresh lemon juice and powdered sugar. You always have options with glaze whether it’s to drizzle, dip, or spread around. It’s a matter of personal preference. Since I was selling this at the farmers market, I used a basting/pastry brush to coat the top of the loaf with the glaze. I then combined lemon zest and white sugar together and sprinkled it on top! Yum Yum. Enjoy the photos :)

We hope all our baked goods have this type of reaction, which is why we named the bakery YumYum. We want everyone to be satisfied. We know that our first few blog posts gave a different plan and vision for our bakery, but I forgot about the farmers market industry! This little thing has changed our trajectory, especially since I've enjoyed it so much so far. We, here at YumYum, need to do a little reorganizing and some more business planning/goal setting. It is a great problem to have. One we are nervously excited for as we look toward our future.

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