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  • Writer's pictureyumyumbakery21

First Vegan Bake!

Recently we were invited to a work Christmas party. The host and his family are vegan, and I decided it was the perfect time to get my foot wet in vegan baking. I had stayed away from it before, not because I have anything against vegan, or don’t want to do it, I just wanted to be established before I attempted it, and I don’t generally want to provide much vegan baked goods. Definitely want to stick to classic baking, mostly because I'm confident in it.

So what did I bake that was vegan? I decided to go with a simple recipe: Tiramisu. Because that’s simple right? And an easy first vegan bake...why not?

In all honesty, it was quite simple. I didn't really have much issue with it, except the frosting; which I seem to have issues with all the time anyway, so no surprise there. This tiramisu was a vegan friendly cake! Super simple. I already had all the ingredients except vegan butter. The easy substitute for eggs was vinegar. Since this was the first vegan recipe I baked, I was surprised I had all the ingredients. It’s one of the reasons I settled on this recipe though.

Following the recipe, I mixed all the dry ingredients. The recipe says you can do a combination of white and brown sugar, so I did. Then mix all the wet ingredients together. There are two different vinegars you can use; I used apple cider vinegar. In my head, white vinegar is too vinegar-y. I also used olive oil for the "neutral flavored oil." Olive oil is just good for cakes...if you dont believe me check out

I've used olive oil in cakes before ;)

Anyway, once the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients are measured out, mix them together for the batter. Make sure there aren't any lumps in the batter. Pour the batter into two prepared cake pans. Fortunately, I have two of the same size (we've discussed this already). I used two 8inch pans. To prep them, I greased them AND put parchment paper in the bottom. Makes for easy and smooth emptying of the baked cakes. Bake until the toothpick tester comes out clean, then let cool completely. I always let my cakes cool for 10-15 minutes, then removed them from the cake pans to finish cooling completely.

While they were cooling, I made coffee syrup; for this recipe, just a little powdered sugar and some coffee and mix it. For the frosting, warm the non-dairy milk (I used oat milk) and whisk with the coffee granules, then add the rest of the ingredients; beat together until smooth. When the cakes are cooled, cut them in half so there are 4 separate cakes.

Then assemble! To do this with the bottom layer, brush the coffee syrup generously all over it, then add your buttercream layer. Disclaimer here: I had to make two full batches of the buttercream. My first batch barely covered two and a half layers. My second batch I doubled but ran out of vegan butter, so I made as much as I could and still barely covered the whole cake! Anyway, you repeat the coffee syrup then buttercream process until you have all your cakes layered. Finish by covering your whole cake on top and around until it’s covered with buttercream. If you'd like, sift some cocoa powder on top! Andy helped me with this part. We laughed a lot during the process. And voila; vegan tiramisu!

We tried this at the Christmas party. It was amazing, and you would never know it was vegan! Everyone enjoyed it, so I think was a success :) We all liked it so much we forgot to take pictures of slices, so enjoy full cake photos :)

Recipe linked below

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