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Its Baking Season!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated, and that’s not because I haven't been baking. I have! We have been so busy with life, full time work and baking (less baking than I would like if I'm being honest). We had grand plans for the farmers market this year but scheduling it was quite difficult, if not impossible. Work kept me busy. We also took some time to live life and camp and travel around the state. Getting away every now and then is always good.

It's fall. My favorite time to bake, so baking is back in full swing, even if I can’t get to the farmers market. Last week we got apples from an apple stand, and I immediately made caramel apple crisp when we got home. It was so good! I made up the recipe, so I have no recipe to give you, but trust me; it was good. If you have apples laying around, apple crisp is easy to throw together, and the ingredients are pantry staples: cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar, brown sugar, oats, butter, flour, and apples. Caramel is optional, but caramel with apples . . . you can’t go wrong.

A few days later, I still had leftover apples, because of course when you go to an apple stand, you have to buy a whole bag or bushel if you will! I made an apple crumb cake, compliments of Half Baked Harvest. You can find the recipe here:

This cake is beautiful. It’s so pretty with the apples arranged on it and the crumble topping. I was so into baking this cake that I really quite honestly forgot about photos during the process. The crumble adds a sweet, crispy texture. I didn't try it this time, but adding caramel to this would be amazing as well.

It’s simple to make. Bake a basic yellow cake, top with apples, arrange however you like, top with crumble and throw it in the oven. Simple and delicious when it’s all said and done.

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