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Time Flies

Updated: May 5, 2021

This past week was a whirlwind. In my head my full time job at the fire department, and my adult life don’t interfere with this new venture. In real life . . . wow does time go quickly. Last Sunday I worked on this website and blog. Tuesday and Wednesday I started the social media profiles on Facebook and Instagram for YumYum. Thursday through Sunday I was fortunate to go with Andy to visit my older brother, Seth, and his family in Minnesota. It was a nice break from reality and the busyness of our lives. And by Monday 100 likes on Facebook already!

While we were there, I was able to bake some “Easter” brownies with my nieces and nephew. (The picture is NOT of brownies, those are popovers). It was very fun and definitely tried my patience. But they had fun, and that was the goal overall. Afterwards Seth, my sister-in-law, Anna, and Andy, all commented that it would have been smart to time the whole process of baking with the kids and then do it again at home, without the kids, and see what the time difference was. What a smart idea! I did NOT do that. I’ll put it in my back pocket for the future, or when they come down here to visit us. We can only pack so many fun things in a short amount of time. We always have a blast when we visit them.

Those three people, Andy, Seth, and Anna, all have such great ideas. Andy and I recently started watching, “The Great British Baking Show.” I’m sure some of you have been following from the very beginning. We are not in that group. In the last week or so, I started watching. Enter good idea from Andy: bake the technical challenges on my own, but also time myself like the contestants are timed in the show. Welp, that’s a wonderful and daunting idea. The show posts the technical challenge recipes on the website, so it’s easy access for someone like me.

Seth took the idea one step further, of course. Why not video my adventures of baking great British baking recipes? Pfft…pfft…yes of course, why didn’t I think of that; oh…cuz that sounds awful but also super smart. Dang it. So now I have to: figure out the go-pro, figure out the terrible lighting in my kitchen and figure out how to do all that while perfecting recipes I’ve never attempted before!! Thanks big brother.

Check out the website to see some of the recipes I’ll be attempting

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May 02, 2021

oooh, those technical challenge recipes have some of my favorites- egg custard tart, tea time scones- just to name two.

May 05, 2021
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Thank you for the suggestions! We will look in to it :)


Apr 24, 2021

So fun and so tasty!

Apr 24, 2021
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Thanks for reading and enjoying! :)

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